A social media post is being shared with a hint that Muslim men are joining the farmers’ protest at the Delhi border in the guise of Sikh farmers. The claim shows a video of a Muslim man taking off his skull cap and putting on a Sikh turban in the midst of a large gathering. The caption reads: “Abdul in ...
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Video claims South Indian school providing rice and turmeric water in mid-day meal; Fact Check
A short video is going viral on social media claiming that mid-day meal scheme being implemented in South India consists of only rice and turmeric water. The caption in Hindi reads:” देखें कि दक्षिण भारत के सरकारी स्कूलों में मध्याह्न भोजन कैसे उपलब्ध कराया जा रहा है। केवल चावल और हल्दी वाला पानी।”[Translated into English: “See how mid-day meals are ...
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