Did Kamala Harris say in this video: ‘X Should be Shut Down’? Fact Check

Claim: Harris said X platform should be shut down in a video.

Conclusion: Misrepresentation. An old video interview on cancellation of Trump’s Twitter account was falsely shared to claim that Harris was seeking the shut down of X.

Rating: Misrepresentation —

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A video is being shared with a claim that US Vice President Kamala Harris said about X owner Elon Musk that his X should be shut down.

“He has lost his privileges and it should be taken down. The bottom line is that you have one rule for Facebook and you have a different rule for Twitter. There has to be a responsibility that is placed on these social media sites to understand their power. They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation and that has to stop,” Harris is shown saying in the video.

It has been shared here as an attempt to silence free speech on X.


When we took key frames and performed a Google Reverse Image Search, we found that the video is from 2019 when Harris was speaking to CNN host Jake Tapper after a Democratic primary debate over the removal of then-President Donald Trump’s account from X formerly known as Twitter.  The results showed that the clip was from an interview of Harris by CNN from October 2019 where she spoke about Trump, in context of X suspending his official account. See the original interview here:

Tweaking her interview, the current claim says that Harris would close X upon her election. The supporting video clip being circulated on social media was taken from a 2019 interview, related to Harris’s comments about then-President Donald Trump’s use of Twitter, now X platform.  Hence, Harris has never made any statements about closing X so far in her campaign.

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About Sridevi P

Sridevi, a business management graduate from Osmania University, Hyderabad has contributed fact-checks whenever she found time. She can be reached at psridevi@digiteye.in

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