Booking train tickets for friends or relatives on IRCTC attracts penalty? Fact check

Claim: Govt’s new rule on booking train tickets for friends or relatives on IRCTC attracts penalty or even jail.

Conclusion: The claim is false. The Railway Ministry has not made any such new rule. The IRCTC too clarified that the “news in circulation on social media about booking of e-tickets due to different surname” is false and misleading.

Rating: Totally false — Five rating

See the complete fact check in video here or Read the below article.


A message about the Indian railways is making rounds on social media that one person cannot book train tickets using his personal ID on IRCTC website for friends or relatives. If he or she does, it atttacts jail or penalty of Rs 10,000, said the claim.

See the post below:

Another claim says jail time and fines up to Rs. 10,000 for booking tickets for others. See the post below:


Digiteye India took up these claims for fact-checking as these claims are about Indian Railways, which is the most-used mode of  transport in india by all classes of people. We first searched the Indian Raiways officail handle on X and found that IRCTC had already clarified that the claim was fake and has given the correct information and guidelines. See the post from IRCTC official handle:

Even the Minstry of Railways has clairified:

Ministry of Railways

Hence the claim is false.


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About Sridevi P

Sridevi, a business management graduate from Osmania University, Hyderabad has contributed fact-checks whenever she found time. She can be reached at


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