Did the teen accused in Pune Porsche case brag about killing people in a video? Fact Check

A viral video being shared on social media platforms claims that it was a rap by the 17-year-old accused from Pune who had allegedly killed two persons after his car rammed into them on the road.

The shocking event has already hit headlines and received a wide coverage. The boy has been initially granted bail but later remanded to the Yerawada juvenile home until June 5. His father and grandfather are also facing scrutiny over their involvement in the case, as per the news reports and police information.

As the case hit headlines daily, the latest video is going viral showing a teen bragging about driving under the influence of alcohol and killing people in a profanity-laden rap song.

The video has generated immense outrage. One X user wrote, “Shocking but true, the psychopath kill*er in the Pune Porsche case made a rap song about the accident after getting bail, mocking the deaths of the innocent victims. How can someone be so insensitive?”

The video can be accessed here.


Digteye India first checked for authenticity of the video with the help of some key frames. When checked on Google Reverse Image Search, we found that the person in the video is Aryan, 22, a Delhi-based Instagram influencer and not the teen from Pune who was accused in the Porsche crash case, also confirmed by the Pune Police.

Aryan’s video was shared on May 23 and the rap singer himself told media that he had made the video (now deleted). “The case was trending and I thought of writing a rap about it. People can take it whichever way they want, I just used my art and creativity to create a funny and satirical piece,” he said as per the news reports.

Further search on social media revealed that the accused Pune teen’s mother Shivani Agarwal shared a video clarifying that his son was in police detention and that the rap video was not by his son.

Hence, the viral rap video doesn’t feature the accused in Pune Porsche case bragging about the accident.

Claim: A viral video shows the Pune Porsche case accused teen bragging about the crash in a rap song.

Conclusion: The rap video is not by the accused teen in Pune Porsche case but by Aryan, a 22-year-old Delhi-based Instagram influencer.

Rating: Misrepresentation —

About Sridevi P

Sridevi, a business management graduate from Osmania University, Hyderabad has contributed fact-checks whenever she found time. She can be reached at psridevi@digiteye.in

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