Trump’s ‘big fan of Hindus’ video goes viral again; Fact Check

Claim: Trump declared himself a “a big fan of Hindus” ahead of 2024 elections.

Conclusion: Misrepresentation. An old video of Trump praising India from October 16, 2016 is being shared claiming falsely as a recent ahead of the 2024 US elections.

Rating: Misrepresentation —

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As the Presidential race heats up in the United States, former President Donald Trump praising the Hindu community in a video is going viral online, aimed at attracting Indian American voters in the upcoming poll in November 2024.

The video shows Trump saying, “I am a big fan of Hindu and a big fan of India. Let me start right upfront, if I am elected as (the US) President, then the Indian community will have a true friend in the White House.”

The video was shared before the voting for the upcoming 2024 US presidential elections, suggesting it was a recent speech.


When checked for the original video taking keyframes and performing a Google Reverse Image Search showed that the viral video was as old as October 16, 2016 when Trump was campaigning for his campaign during the 2016 Presidential race, and not recent.

Addressing the Indian-American charity event in New Jersey on October 16, 2016, Trump declared himself “a big fan of Hindus” and also applauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The video was also shared by the news agency Asian News International (ANI).

Further search revealed that the speech preceded another charity event organised by the Republican Hindu Coalition in Edison, New Jersey two weeks later.

Hence, the video is an old one dating back to 2016 Presidential race and not related to 2024 US elections as claimed.

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About Arun Nag

Arun is with Digiteye India since the beginning as the main source for re-writing copies and re-checking the facts and images. He writes on general and tech issues. He can be reached at

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