In Begusarai Lok Sabha constituency of Bihar, former JNUSU president Kanhaiya Kumar is contesting from the Communist Party of India (CPI) ticket and many former JNU students and Gujarat MLA Jignesh Mevani too were campaigning aggressively. However, the local caste politics have started surfacing and claimed that Mevani and his JNU brigade was assaulted by local people while campaigning in ...
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Did Kalraj Mishra say on stage, ‘If I come down, I’ll shoot you’? Fact check
Congress spokesperson has made a remark on Twitter that BJP MP Kalraj Mishra was threatening to shoot protestors while speaking at an event and circulated the following link to a video. The 22-second video shows former union minister and BJP MP from Deoriya threatening to shoot those who were protesting while he was speaking. while he was speaking at an ...
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