Telangana is not Uttar Pradesh but UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, unaware of Telangana’s history, told a rally that the erstwhile ruler fled in the wake of India taking over the Nizam state. On Sunday, speaking at an election campaign in Vikarabad, Yogi in his typical style said:”If BJP comes to power, I assure you Owaisi will have to flee ...
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Indian football team compelled to play barefoot in 1948 Olympics? What’s the real truth?
It has been long rumored that the Indian National football team was compelled to play barefoot in the 1948 Olympics due to the pathetic financial conditions of the nation just free from the British Raj. The rumour has resurfaced on social media now claiming that the Nehru government was negligent in buying them the proper equipment while the prime minister ...
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